No Parent wants to raise an overindulged child with an overblown sense of entitlement! Here’s 12 reasons why you don’t want to. They are based on ten studies involving a combined 3,531 participants. Here’s what we found. Click here to download a free handout: 12 Risks

12 Risks of Overindulging
1. Center of the universe syndrome: A child should understand early on that the world will not solely focus on them.
2. Disrespectful attitude: Having disrespect for one’s own things easily leads to disrespect for other people’s things.
3. Helplessness: Doing for children what they should be learning to do themselves takes away the opportunity for them to learn how to be competent.

4. Confusing wants and needs: Young children can’t tell the difference between wants and needs and have to be carefully taught.
5. Overblown sense of entitlement: Adults who were overindulged as children often feel that they are entitled to more of everything and that they deserve more than others.
6. Irresponsibility: Constantly protecting children from experiencing the consequences of their actions and not holding them accountable for completing tasks leads to irresponsibility.

7. Ungratefulness: Soft structure in the home can lead to individuals being less likely to be grateful for things and to others.
8. Poor self-control: Parents need to insist that the child learn self-management skills including delayed gratification.
9. Relationship problems: Issues that result from overindulgence—such as poor conflict-resolution skills and expectation of immediate gratification—spill over into all other relationship forms, from friends, to family, to workplace.

10. Materialistic values and unhappiness: Children who were overindulged as children are more likely to develop materialistic values in adulthood (selfish and greedy) and grow up to be more unhappy.
11. Personal goals distortion: Studies show that the more an individual was overindulged as a child, the more likely it is that their personal life goals are externally motivated—fame, fortune, vanity—as opposed to internal aspirations such as developing character and cultivating meaningful relationships.
12. Spiritual involvement: Overindulged children are more likely to become adults who are not interested in spiritual growth, have difficulties finding meaning in times of hardship, and are less apt to develop a personal relationship with a power greater than themselves.

ü There is more help about avoiding overindulgence in How Much is Too Much? Raising Likeable, Responsible, Respectful Children – From Toddlers To Teens – In An Age of Overindulgence (2014, DaCapo Press Lifelong Books).
üParenting with a Good Heart Online Course - University of Minnesota Extension
üSetting Limits for Responsive Discipline — Limits provide a sense of security for children.
ü5 Tips for Parents to Avoid the Damaging Effects of Overindulgence — In this article, Jean Illsley Clarke discusses the concept of overindulgence, offering five tips on how to recognize it and what to do about it.
ü Tim Kasser - The High Price of Materialism
ü The High Price of Materialism by Tim Kasser.
Do all things with Love, Grace, and Gratitude
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